Tuesday, August 20, 2013



Docked today in Athens, city with a long complicated history and a troubled economic future.  

Unlike most urban centers around the world, Athens is dying from the inside out.  Downtown is crime ridden, scene of most recent riots over the economy.  Most Greeks will not live in the city center unlike London, New York etc.  most have moved to the suburbs. One of which is Piraeus the port city we docked at today.

Or guided trip started right from the dock.  Like every other excursion we have taken aboard Celebrity, it was first rate.   Many Greeks are fluent in English ( which is taught starting in primary school) and our guide was quite easy to understand.  

The ancient acropolis is a work in process....craftsman are slowly reassembling the foundations and columns and one can get a good idea of the grandeur of the old structure.  

Everywhere you look in Athens  ( and anywhere else on our trip) the "ancient" is ever present.  Ruins are mixed in with newer construction and become part of the landscape. I am still overwhelmed by the age of preserved history in this region.  By comparison, the west (America , Canada etc. ) is so young.  I may become inured to more ruins and see them as ordinary but I doubt it.

By for now!

Chris and Pat

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