Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Though we have spent a few days in Hong Kong, we will be returning there in a week and I will post our Hong Kong experiences then. So far, it has been a mad rush of traveling. We flew first class on Thai air ways (great service and not expensive….try it if you can) to Bangkok and we met by our driver , Nobadan, who loaded the Griswolds up for our dash to Pattaya which is about 2 hours from Bangkok airport. We are here with Pat’s brother, Ken and his wife Barb. They have been coming to Thailand for about 15 years and are our local guides. More on Nobadan later…….we highly recommend a local guide and Nobadan is one of the best.

Our Driver and Guide, Nobadan

A few words about Thailand. First, this is not a destination for everybody. Pattaya, as with most of Thailand engages in legal sex trade. While this is very foreign to us, this is accepted in Thailand and is considered a profession. Some may think that this activity originated during the Vietnam War when service men spent their R+R here…..not so. It’s been around for hundreds of years. As a side note, it’s really humorous to see a 65 year old man with a bottle of Viagra clutched in his hand and a young girl on each arm.

The Thai seem to have two pre-occupations….shopping and eating…both of which you can do 24 hours a day. The free market system is alive and well in Thailand. If shopping is your game and you are willing to brave the crowds and know what you are looking for you can pick up some great bargains. Barb, our sister in law who is with us on this trip is an expert with a keen eye for quality and a tough negotiating style (she could whip a Turkish Carpet Merchant)…..we have already made some good purchases here.

Food is also a bargain. Our dinner last night with drinks, tip and VAT for four people (multiple drinks….we are on vacation after all) was all of $71!

The Thai people are extremely friendly…you are always greeted with a smile and a blessing.

As far as a vacation spot, don’t come expecting to meet a lot of Americans. This is off the beaten path for most from the US. Thailand tracks it’s tourism numbers….the largest increase was in Russians who are up 110% over last year. You will mostly run into Eastern Europeans, Russians, French and very few Brits or Americans. In most tourist areas you can usually make yourself understood but it can be difficult.

Anyway……we have had some fun here. As I mentioned in previous blogs, Pat is on a “touch every animal you can,” tour so we had to go to the Sriracha Tiger Zoo. We saw a tiger show, Pat fed a baby tiger ( she said it was a ball of muscle), baby deer, really disgusting camels and a lazy crocodile with a fishing pole contraption. Getting up close to animals like these is a treat that you just can’t find anywhere else.

Pat.....In Heaven

Pat....feeding something again (Donkey and Minature Horse)

Yesterday, we took a ferry out to one of the nearby islands. What you do is rent a chair in the shade (about 3 bucks for the day) and roving waiters will bring you beer and food while you watch the scenery….some of which you wished you missed. What is it about older European men and speedo bathing suits? Those don’t look good on anyone…especially a 70 year old with a huge gut. Just because he had a 32 inch waist in high school doesn’t mean he can still squeeze into a 32 now!

Getting back on the ferry was another challenge….think “the last lifeboat on the Titanic!” I had to block out a couple of Muslim women so that Pat could climb aboard….Pat’s pretty tough when she get’s her blood up! Another great example of how, as travelers, we need to fit into other countries cultures….not the other way around.

Anyway, here are few pictures…..internet is still a little spotty here…more to come as we have time. Next stop, Bangkok for yet more shopping (Yeah!.....not!)
Every Man for Themselves!
Typical Pattaya Beach.....Bring more Beer!

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