Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Back in the USA!

Well, here we are, sitting in yet another airport….this one on American soil. Pat and I have spent 32 days in countries where they drive on the wrong side of the road and don’t speak our language. Technically, the Aussies and Kiwis do but they can be difficult to understand…..for example, the Kiwis have an inflection on words with an “e’ in the middle…..replace that with an “I” sound and you got it. “peck” is pronounced like “pick.” When watching TV in New Zealand, imagine how I reacted to a commercial for a home store when the television announcer was pitching furniture for your “deck.”

We had a great trip and a “one of a kind” experience. We learned a few things along the way….

1. 32 days is beyond our personal limit. It is all too easy to get disconnected from family and friends. The whole idea of vacation is to “disconnect,” but this was too much. Three weeks is my personal limit.

2. It’s great living in the USA! We take for granted lots of little things like finding a public restroom that is not just a hole in the floor. Our country gets criticized a lot overseas but everyone wants to come here……there are reasons well beyond just finding sanitary “accommodations!”

3. Again, we packed too much stuff. We did not need near as much as we brought and ended up suffering for it. I would suggest to anyone that starting with a list then paring that list back by 30% is the way to go. Make sure you stay under baggage weight limitations so that you can bring back all of those cool souvenirs that you just can’t live without! Baggage charges can really stack up. We learned our lesson from the trip we took to China last year but still overpacked.

4. Unless you like wasting money, I highly recommend that you bring supplies of instant coffee, granola bars etc and save the room service for special occasions. Internationally, most rooms do not come with these amenities….anything you may save on a great rate will be spent on room service. Our in-laws are masters of this practice.

5. Use public transportation when possible visiting a new city. Not only does this save money over taxi fare but is a great way to learn the geography of a new place. Most subway systems we have been on are easy to figure out no matter what language you speak. Also, most subway / trains are designed to stop near landmarks so you end up having just a short walk to an attraction that was already on your list. I have found it a great way to get some of the local “feel” of a place.

6. When you do feel compelled to use a cab, ask the cab driver for suggestions on pubs and restaurants….generally, they can steer you to places that have better food for less money. It’s a bit more risky but, ultimately, more rewarding for the experience.

7. Bring a calculator and know your exchange rates. Merchants in other countries can often beat you on a deal if you pay for your purchase in a different currency….know how to convert currencies…..for example, when I purchased some items in Bangkok, I asked the merchant to price it in both dollars and baht and made my decision accordingly. Never change currency at the airport except when absolutely necessary. Most places we visited, we were able to locate a money changer that charged one or two percent….airport kiosks will often get you for 10% plus a flat fee.

For those that followed the blog and commented, we really appreciated it. It was a great trip but exhausting. I really loved the spots we visited and would do it again….just probably wouldn’t go for as long.

I plan to post a couple of videos to the blog once I have a chance to edit out the stupid or embarrassing parts.  I am throwing in a few more photos of the Grand Palace in Bangkok.....Truly amazing!

Great stance and form!
Pat and I in front of the Golden Buddha
Will this thing fit in my garden?
Had to include this.....a Kiwi sense of humor in Christchurch, New Zealand
What a name for a Sewer contractor!

Our second trip starts second week of March. We are going on a cruise in the Caribbean and then cross the Atlantic by sea to Portugal and Spain ending with a week in Barcelona.

Thanks again for letting us share!!

Pat and Chris Glenn

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