Monday, March 7, 2016

Our Next Adventure

Pat and I are off on our next trip tomorrow.  We begin in San Francisco with a quick overnight to see my parents, Embarcadero, Golden Gate and dinner at Tadich's Grill.  My dad has been bragging about this place for years.....

Next, we fly to Singapore for a couple of days of sightseeing before starting a cruise to Bali, Indonesia and several ports in Australia that we have never been to like Darwin, Cairns and Brisbane. The cruise ends in Sydney after which we hop a flight for our next leg.

Finally, we have a week in New Zealand where we will tour the North Island....again.  This time we are touring wine country and some place called "hot tub" beach where you dig a hole in the sand which then fills up with hot water.....sounds a little edgy to me but was suggested by my brother in law (well known for "edgy").

More to come!

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