Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Off to Belize after a long rest from Traveling

Finally…..Traveling again!

Since our marathon traveling earlier this year, I have gone back to work (part time...if you can believe it).  As I may have mentioned earlier, I found that I missed my work.  I did truly enjoy the 110 e-mails per day and the constant phone calls (not!).  Actually, I did.  I may not have mentioned this in earlier posts, but I have enjoyed the car business.  It is dynamic and ever-changing and for someone like me who has the patience of a squirrel, I need that sort of activity to keep me interested and engaged.

Having said all of this, I planned to balance work with my other interests and, finally, we are headed out again.  This time, we are taking a Christmas Cruise to Belize by way of Isla Rotan and Merida, Mexico.  I plan to write a few boring but informative posts on the areas we visit.  Don’t worry, plenty of pictures will accompany the post, so you can breeze right by that and look at the pretty colors…. 

We have several activities planned…Pat has decided to take a zip line tour (promise to get pictures of that) which is something we thought of several times earlier this year but never did.  Not worried about Pat, she’s fearless!  Me?  We’ll see….I guess I can handle it.  Lots of Mayan ruins in the area.  We plan to visit one a little less traveled and climb a pyramid or two.

It’s been a great six months since we got off the road.  I have re-engaged at work and gotten deep into bicycle racing.  Pat has spent time fixing up the house and generally enjoying life in Memphis.

Anyway, we packed our sunscreen, camera and our running shoes…….we’ll post soon….Next stop, New Orleans!

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